The meeting was called to order by President John Kucharski at 7:10 p.m.

The minutes of the General meeting eighth of February 65 will read and corrected by inserting the words quote and enter into the minutes" in the motion about reconsidering the motion of assessment.  The minutes of the Executive Board meeting 14 February 65 will read and accepted

The Service Report was given by Dave Arlen and the service committee.  The Senate elections are on February 16, 1965 and your help was requested.  UMOC is coming!  John Goodrich and Ted Pease need your help during the Small Schools Basketball Tourney the junior class would like some help in decorating the ballroom for the Winter Carnival Ball anytime February 19, 1965. 

Membership Report was presented by Ed Skea.  Since there are only 10 perspectives at the last smoker, a plea is issued to enlist all brothers aid in bringing more interested people to the next smoker this Wednesday evening 17 February at 8 p.m. in the Essex and Hampshire rooms of the Student Union.  The brothers who went to FSTC on the extension trip got the turnout there was pretty good and they enjoyed themselves.

The Administration Report was given by Roger Crouse.  The Finance Report and the Treasurer's Report were given by Larry Reinhardt.  Dues are being collected at this time.  All offices and committee chairman please turn in your budgets for the semester by the next General meeting.

315 315 BX
315 CA
315 CA
stands at

John read the letter of resignation of our adviser Mr. T. R. Frazier, Resident Theologian.

Membership Committee meeting 16 February 1965 at 7 p.m. in chapter room.

Communication Committee meeting 17 February 7 p.m. in chapter room.

There is a meeting of those who went the convention in the Boston in the Barnstable Room will rule the Student Union 18 February 11:15 a.m.

MSD: to reconsider the motion quote that an additional it to be assessed each member, the result of revenue to be placed in the quote convention and cult conclave on close fund., designated by separate account 315 S.; this morning may only be used to finance the brothers attending the biennial national convention and any conclave sponsored by an APO chapter,; the district you lay should of funds shall be determined by a chapter vote prior to each conventional conclave. (Ross Jones)

MSP: that the two motions concerning the raising of semester dues to be put into effect in the fall of 1965 semester.  (Chapter Study Committee)

MSD: to amend by stating that they be put into effect in the spring semester (Roger Crouse)

MSD: to amend the one dollar assessment motion by adding that the monies accumulated in 315S may referred to the general fund upon the 75% vote of any meeting where quorum unveils.  (Marty Rosenberg)

MSP:that it shall be the policy of Kappa Omicron of Alpha Phi Omega for the chapter to appropriate 10% of all profits from benefit concerts and other benefit programs for the purpose of financing the continue program of service carried out by this chapter.  (Ross Jones)

MSP:that all book exchange tech textbooks to fill the two semesters of war may be left on display for one week for the brothers of APO and the sisters of GSS to choose the volumes they wish; but after that time they got all these books remaining be donated to some responsible organization.

MSP: to table this motion to the Executive Board of revision (Ross Jones)

MSP: to renew the motion of 13 April 64 which states: that each chapters offices memorize the pledge initiation ritual to read semester (Ed Skea)

MSP: to amend this by substituting the word “brotherhood” for the word “pledge”.   (Ed Skea)

MSP:to amend this by substituting the word MSP: to renew the motion of April 13, 64 which states: that first semester's offices each year memorized the brotherhood initiation ritual and serve as a ritual team for both semesters.  (Ed Skea)

MSP:to amend this by substituting the word “pledge" for the word "brotherhood".  (Ed Skea) 

MSWB: that in any future motion in all minutes no reference shall be made to any specific residents other than University residence halls (Dawn Hayes)

General meeting Tuesday 23 February's 1965 at 7 p.m. in Mem Hall.

Executive Board meeting February 22, 1965 at 7 p.m. in the chapter room.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Denny Myshrall
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes